Câmara de Comércio Luso-Belga-Luxemburguesa

The Portuguese-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (CCLBL) aims at promoting trade relations among the Portuguese, Belgian and Luxemburguese markets.

We assist our members with a broad range of services, from the diffusion of business opportunities to the organization of meetings with potential business partners.  We also offer our members regular network opportunities such as lunch-debates, business cocktails and dinners, which allow them the opportunity to establish and reinforce their professional relations.

CCLBL also develops specific actions (seminars, economic missions, trade fairs), around a number of sectors such as energy, transport and logistics, environment and waste management, information and communication technologies, food processing and health, amongst others.

We have a representative in Oporto, who works in order to bring together companies and organizations from the north of Portugal with business interests in the markets covered by the CCLBL.


Praça das Indústrias AIP– Associação Industrial Portuguesa 3º Piso, Sala 25 1300-307 Lisboa
Telemóvel: +351 910 531 753
Contactos Regionais – Luxemburgo: [email protected]

belgica lxemburgo

Diáspora Lusa-Laços Com Valor


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