130 E Prospect Ave
Mt Vernon, NY 10550
After a very successful “US Citizenship Drive” in January, where 52 members of our Community benefited from this FREE service, the New York Portuguese American Leadership Conference (NYPALC) is proud to organize a new US Citizenship Drive this time at the PAC of Mount Vernon [130 E Prospect Ave, Mount Vernon, NY 10550]. To make an appointment email [email protected].
NYPALC wants to facilitate the path for members in our Community become citizens and fully integrate into everyday life in the United States with all the rights and opportunities that are not available to permanent residents. The time is NOW to become a US Citizen – take advantage of this NYPALC FREE service.
Keep up to date to what is going on in the New York Portuguese Community by following us on social media @NYPortuguese
Diáspora Lusa-Laços Com Valor