O Jornal foi fundado há 40 anos.
É uma publicação bilingue, sediada em Fall River, Massachusetts, e distribuída nos estados de Massachusetts e Rhode Island. Foi galardoada com vários prémios da New England Press Association.

Além do site, este jornal esté presente nas redes sociais

The O Jornal newspaper was founded in 1975 by Azorean community leaders seeking information about the turbulant Portuguese revolution.

Through the years its readership expanded from Fall River to New Bedford and more than 20 communities in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The newspaper has earned news awards fom the New England Press Association, SNA and the Ethnic Newspaper Competition and is the centerpiece of the GateHouse Media Ethnic Division.

A part of Gatehouse Media since 2007, the O Jornal newspaper remains a vibrant piece of the Portuguese community of Southern New England distributing newspapers from Cambridge to Pawtucket with central coverage of the SouthCoast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Becoming fully bilingual in 1999, the newspaper continues to be a powerful tool utilized by businesses, agencies in political leaders to reach the largest ethnic group in Southeastern Massachusetts.


  • Endereço O Jornal
    207 Pocasset Street,
    Fall River, MA 02722

Diáspora Lusa-Laços Com Valor


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